School Bus Safety Not Set

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 | July 25, 2023

During school hours when students are going to and from school, it’s crucial for everyone to be vigilant and look out for children’s safety. Here are some important tips to ensure the safety of children during school hours:

**Stop for School Buses**: When a school bus stops with its stop sign extended and lights flashing, it means children are getting on or off the bus. In most places, it’s the law to stop your vehicle and wait until the bus continues moving.

**Crosswalk Safety**: Always use crosswalks when crossing the street and encourage children to do the same. Teach them to look left, right, and left again before crossing.

**Watch for Crossing Guards**: Respect the directions of crossing guards and wait for their signal before crossing the street.

**Be Alert at Intersections**: Keep an eye out for children at intersections, especially those without traffic signals.

**Avoid Distractions**: Avoid using your phone or engaging in other distractions while driving, especially in school zones or residential areas.

**Be Patient**: Children may not always follow traffic rules perfectly, so be patient and cautious around school areas.

**Follow Parking Rules**: Park only in designated areas and follow any posted parking restrictions around schools.

**Be Aware of School Zones**: Be mindful of reduced speed limits and increased pedestrian traffic in school zones.

**Report Safety Concerns**: If you notice any hazardous situations or concerns related to school safety, report them to the appropriate authorities.

By staying alert, following traffic rules, and being considerate of others, we can all play a significant role in ensuring the safety of children during school hours. It’s a collective responsibility, and together we can create a safer environment for our young ones.

If your children are injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the law office of May Jung. Our team of experienced and compassionate attorneys is ready to assist you during this difficult time.

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LaRuby May
LaRuby May, born in Pensacola, Florida, to Reverend Theophilus May and Mary J. May, has been a changemaker for over 30 years. As a lawyer, entrepreneur, developer, teacher, and strategist, she co-founded the May Jung law firm with Je Yon Jung to advocate for people of color and empower their participation in the civil justice system.
Previously, she was a founding member of May Lightfoot, PLLC, representing clients in worker’s compensation and complex litigation. A founding board member of Shades of Mass, she also belongs to the National Bar Association, Women’s Bar Association, and UDC Law Hall of Fame.

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