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Civil Rights Lawyer

Civil rights include the fundamental legal rights granted to all citizens of the United States.

Civil rights include rights that are guaranteed by the constitution, such as the freedom from harsh and unusual punishment, the right to due process, the equal protection of the law, and the freedom from illegal search and seizure. These lawsuits are often filed under Section 1983, federal legislation that establishes a cause of action for infringement of rights guaranteed by both the constitution and federal law. Defendants who transgress others’ constitutional rights while acting in accordance with state law may be found civilly accountable in Section 1983 actions. Cases involving police shootings and misbehavior, for instance, are often filed under Section 1983.

Protection against discrimination based on certain protected characteristics, such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex or gender, handicap, family status, source of income, etc., is another aspect of civil rights. Different types of protected traits may be included in federal and state legislation that prohibits discrimination. Individuals are protected by civil rights laws against discrimination in public places, consumer goods, housing, education, and work.

Other frequent civil rights infractions include the exploitation of migrant workers, slavery, blatant disregard for the Americans with Disabilities Act, destruction of religious property, hate crimes, inhumane treatment of prisoners, and obstruction of healthcare access.

Compensation You Can Receive

If you have been discriminated against or experienced another type of civil rights violation, you may be eligible for damages through a lawsuit. You can receive economic and non-economic damages, depending on the violation.

For instance, if you are suing your former employer for firing you for a discriminatory reason, you may be able to receive economic damages in the form of lost wages and lost benefits. You also could receive non-economic damages such as pain and suffering if you have experienced severe emotional or physical distress as a result of the discrimination. In some egregious cases, you may be able to receive punitive damages, which serve to punish the at-fault party.

Why Do I Need a Civil Rights Attorney?

We understand the indignities of discrimination and the epidemic of civil rights violations in our communities. You will need an advocate with personal AND legal experience to address complex civil rights violations. Unfortunately, civil rights violations not only encompass severe emotional distress, they oftentimes involve permanent and catastrophic physical injuries and even death. An experienced civil rights lawyer can help you navigate the complexity of the legal system, ensuring your complaint is filed in a timely manner.

If you think you have been a victim of a civil rights violation, do not hesitate to contact an attorney today.

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